Victoria Simmons-Elkins, LCPC, LPC

Practicing Since: 2007
In truly caring for clients, Victoria works to help clients identify those behavior patterns that have been a stumbling block in their lives and have created repeated personal pain. Using a combination of family systems approach with cognitive-behavioral therapy, Victoria aids clients in tracing current life issues back to their roots within their family of origin.
John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…”
John 10:10, “The Thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance.”
Victoria has a MS degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Pastoral Counseling and is a Clinical Supervisor. She has worked as an HIV Counselor, an Addictions Counselor, and has maintained a private practice which focused on family of origin issues. She has also taught Adult Sunday School classes, held a Christian Support Group for female survivors of sexual abuse, and been a servant leader in Celebrate Recovery. It has been her experience that in giving to God’s people, she has been richly blessed through watching God give the greatest gift of all, new lives dedicated to His glory. It is the observation of God’s miraculous work that serves to fuel her ministry, work, and life and gives her a sense of God’s joy.
Victoria is licensed in the state of Maryland #LC1699 and in the state of Pennsylvania #PC10560.