James Howard, LCPC

Practicing Since: 2020

Clients can expect to be the center of attention, experience a nonjudgmental atmosphere, and open dialogue. James provides care with understanding, heart, and positive regard. He encourages those who feel outside influences are colliding with ones’ own rights and beliefs to reach out for the support they need to live at their highest potential.  

James is eclectic in his use of various modalities to treat and support his clients. Utilizing options such as CBT, Adlerian, and Existentialism theories, he views mental health therapy as necessary to maintain mental health balance.

James earned his master’s in Mental Health counseling, graduating with honors from Bowie State University in the top 1 percent of his class. He has authored papers dealing with relationship and family.

James is a father to two young men, and he enjoys singing badly and reading. In his spare time, he authors works of fiction and currently has published novels, screenplays, and graphic novels.

James is a licensed clinical professional counselor (#LC15756).

Client Thrive Program
Credentials Earned:

Engagement Badge
Awarded: 6/20/2022

Connection Badge
Awarded: 8/24/2022

Collaboration Badge
Awarded: 10/7/2022

Client Thrive Completion Badge
Awarded: 10/7/2022