Julia Compher, M.S. Resident in Counseling

Practicing Since: 2024
When clients come for counseling Julia’s goal is to always meet them where they are in the moment and find ways to collaborate on the best way to move forward. Each individual situation and person are unique and adapting the proper treatment modalities utilizing an eclectic approach is best to meet client’s individual needs.
Utilizing CBT, ACT and motivational interviewing in combination at times to identify challenges that are occurring and how to navigate moving forward.
Mental health change is based on many factors, and this is not something that is easily answered. For many clients, Julia addresses it either from a “medical collaborative model” stating that medication management along with counseling and learning techniques to manage symptoms may be part of the process. Julia will refer such clients to local resources or Safe Harbor referral basis.
For other clients, it is unpacking or unraveling years of traumas and hurts that have all become enmeshed. In some cases, Julia may take a wide lens and see all the big traumas, and little traumas and say, “this is like an onion and each time a layer comes off, something else comes up”.
Julia would explain that this is not a sprint or a quick race, this will be a marathon, or a journey. Julia and the client will walk it out piece by piece, but it is collaborative, and it is not “her job” as the counselor to do the work but to help navigate and collaborate. Clients must play an active role in the therapeutic process.
Julia and her husband have been married for 29 years and counting. They have two adult children and one beautiful daughter – in -law. They currently have a 2-year-old St. Bernard Samson who is their joy. Julia enjoys spending time with her kids, church family, and small groups.
Julia is a licensed resident in Virginia (0704017692) under the supervision of LeeAnn Gumulauskas, LPC (0701008515).